Roses at the Serena Hotel

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Greetings from Embassy Islamabad, Week One

The first week has certainly flown by!  I've spent most of the time trying to get my living arrangements in order at my house and get my access at work. As of today, I finally have my cell phone, blackberry and email. 
Tonight we are going to a Good Friday service.  It is a little weird being in a Muslim country at this time.  I'm grateful that I have connected with this church and the people are so warm and welcoming and I can worship with them.  I am going to Easter Sunday  church service and then there is a potluck lunch after that so will try to stay occupied.  But I sure will miss Easter baskets and peeps and crepes and going out for small plates and the Hallelujah chorus.   
Otherwise, being here is good. I'm amazed at the lush flowers and trees growing everywhere, big steroid flowers in bright colors. I don't know how they live because it is so hot and dry. But they do and they flourish so who knows.  The roses are gorgeous. 
Tonight there was full moon happy hour but we are going to good Friday service so will have to go another time. Tomorrow there is a big bazaar so will be getting some retail therapy.  Maybe I can take some pictures then too.  
I have enjoyed eating the local food every day, usually I dont know what it all is but it sure tastes good and looks good. It is very spicy and has such interesting flavors. After I get settled a bit I'm going to hire a cook. Men do most of the cooking and the food is outstanding. 
Still having mummy tummy pretty much constantly so hope that will end eventually. But it is what everyone gets and it could be a lot worse. We only drink water from our still or bottled, even to brush teeth, but I guess a few bugs get in regardless. I know I have already lost some weight, my jeans are baggy. 
I'm going to start a blog and post to Facebook, so check back there. In the meantime happy Easter everyone!

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